Desifap Offical Rules

Rules & Guidelines for Forum Participation

The Desifap community believes in Free Speech and the right to self-expression. We also believe that open discussions about sexuality are healthy and beneficial to the well being of consenting adults. That belief means that the Desifap Forum is a place where people discuss a wide range of legal adult topics and kinks, as well as every day events, news, hobbies, personal opinions, etc.

That said, we do have rules. Desifap requires that all forum users must be at least 18 years of age, they must show respect for each other, follow our Community Guidelines, and our specific Forum Rules (see below). Those violating forum rules or community guidelines may be temporarily or permanently banned.

If you have any questions, or would like to report any concerns, please click the “Report” button on any forum post, thread, or user profile. We also have a Tech Support forum where you can report things publicly by starting a thread.

Desifap Forum Rules

  • You must be 18 years of age or older to read or publish anything on Desifap. This sitewide rule includes the Forum.
  • You may not post pictures or stories featuring anyone under 18 years of age on the forum.
  • You may not post any content prohibited under our sitewide Content Guidelines in the forum.
  • You may not post any hardcore photos as defined in our Forum Photo Posting FAQ in the forum.
  • Do not upload any copyright protected images, text, audio, or video. If you did not create a photo or other work, you probably do not have the legal right to post it on the forum. Fair use laws allow some very limited posting of copyrighted material, such as short excerpts from articles (please limit to under four paragraphs) and screen captures from movies, under certain circumstances. Please do a Google search under “Fair Use” if you want to understand this issue better. Members repeatedly posting copyright materials without authorization of the copyright owner will be banned.
  • You may not post any personal information of Desifap members or any other person. We do not allow the posting of phone numbers, email addresses, private messages, or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also prohibits the posting of real names, employment info, locations, age, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.
  • Do not threaten other people. Do not post images or words directly or indirectly implying threats or encouragement of physical harm.
  • Any post or PM made with the intent of promoting another site or a product will be removed. Spam is strictly forbidden. You may not send unsolicited PM’s or emails to other users trying to promote other websites or products. We do not allow links to any adult pay sites (websites where you must give payment information to enter the website). Desifap is not a place to promote other websites, and we are very strict on this issue. If you abuse this policy, you will be banned. If you persist, your ISP will be contacted.
  • Please do not blatantly “advertise” for other websites in your signature. We allow non-commercial links to member’s personal websites in sigs, but please do not beg people to click on your link, make it huge and/or flashing, or otherwise be obnoxious. We also reserve the right to remove signatures which link to sites with numerous annoying pop-ups, or any other potentially harmful content. If you turn your signature into an advertisement, we will ask you to change it.
  • Do not start threads with a URL or Domain Name in the header.
  • You cannot use a URL/site address as your username. If you do so, we will ask you to change your name.
  • Flooding the forum with posts, screen-breaking text, or images - or bumping old threads - and/or any non-substantive activity with the intent of disrupting the forum is prohibited.
  • Please do not post story submissions to the forums. You may post short snippets (less than 3 paragraphs or so) for discussion, but please post your full stories to the story side only.
  • Please do not post audio or video that automatically starts playing on its own on the forum. There are people who access Desifap from various locations, and in some locations they prefer to be discreet. We reserve the right to edit or remove any post or signature which automatically plays audio or video.
  • Please post content in the appropriate forum. We believe in free speech, but your forum posts will be moved or removed if you don’t read the forum title and description before hitting “POST”. Personal ads should be posted in the “Personals” forum, story ideas in the “Story Ideas” forum, BDSM issues in the BDSM forum, random nonsense on the General Board, and so on.
  • If you decide to have your Close Your Desifap Account, we will do our best to remove your posts before removing the account, but please be aware that once you’ve posted in the forum, those posts become part of the public internet and they may be quoted in any number of places. You have the ability to edit posts - deleting text and removing any attachments - on your own. The administrators will not delete your posts just because you changed your mind about what you said. You can edit your own posts as you see fit. Please do not contact us about removing your posts.

If you believe that anyone is violating these rules in a specific post, please click on the “REPORT THIS POST” link in that post and submit a report to the Moderators.

You might not always agree with what other members post on the forum, and those users might not agree with what you post. The administrators here don’t believe they are anyone’s parents nor are they anyone’s Jiminy Cricket. It’s up to individual users to be responsible for themselves. If another user is offending you, but not breaking the rules, the forum software developers have added an ignore function for your convenience. Just click on the name or avatar of the user you don’t want to see anymore and add them to your ignore list.

In short, we believe in free speech, and content that might offend some users will not be removed unless it is illegal or breaks one of our community rules.

Please note that these rules and guidelines are subject to change and enforcement at the discretion of the forum administrators. By participating in the forums, you agree to abide by these rules and guidelines and accept any moderation decisions made accordingly.






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