Lord, Have Mercy by Scott Hahn


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Lord, Have Mercy by Scott Hahn | 490.93 KB
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Title: Lord, Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession
Author: Scott Hahn
Year: 2005​

Doesn't it appear that the world is literally "going to hell"? Things seem to be getting worse all around us, but what can ordinary believers do to change the world and touch the lives of people around us? How can we make a difference?
God Fathers His Family
In this new three cassette series, Lord Have Mercy: The Healing Power of Confession, Dr. Scott Hahn shares the great insight he discovered on his way to becoming Catholic. Namely, that throughout the Old and New Testaments, God consistently used confession as He carefully fathered His family down through the ages. Rather than being another "Catholic invention", Scott demonstrates that confession is clearly a Biblical practice elevated to a Sacrament by Christ Jesus Himself.
Foundation of Forgiveness
With keen insight and practical instruction, Dr. Hahn reviews the psychology of sin as revealed in familiar passages of Scripture. By carefully laying down the foundation of divine forgiveness first witnessed in the Garden of Eden and brought to completion on Calvary, you will finally appreciate God's unfathomable mercy shown to man. For as Scott explains, "Christ paid a debt He didn't owe because we owed a debt that we couldn't pay." Only by partaking in this great Sacrament, can the blood of Christ wash away our sin and restore our friendship with God.
Spiritual Remedy
Knowing our fallen human nature, the Lord bestowed upon the Church the power to forgive sin as a spiritual remedy or cure. We must humbly accept this free "health care" and "comprehensive coverage" offered to every member of God's family with a divine guarantee. Only by embracing and utilizing this special gift, can we become reshaped, reconfigured, reformed and recreated into the image and likeness of God. We simply need to just show up and be clear, comprehensive and contrite about our offenses against God and neighbor.
Unleash God's Merciful Love
Learn how to get more out of confession and unleash God's mercy into your life on both a personal and practical level. Lord Have Mercy gently guides you to experience the healing power and the life-giving love contained in this powerful but too often ignored Sacrament. Let Dr. Hahn lead you to the font of divine forgiveness so that you can move beyond a worldly way of thinking and "put on the mind of Christ." Only in this way can America be converted and our families, our parishes, and our dioceses be radically transformed into visible images of God!
What were the four questions God asked Adam and Eve after the Fall
Why the examination of conscience is a "brutal self-inventory"
How the Bible models confession of sin
Why Christ's Sacrifice on Calvary perfected and elevated the sacrifices of the Old Covenant
How confession does to the soul what doctors, dieticians and pharmacists do to the body
Why one mortal sin can destroy the soul and can cause spiritual death for eternity
Why if you will not repent, you will resent
How we play the "blame game" to make excuses for our sinfulness
How Catholics can fully live the mysteries of God's mercy








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