Windows 11 Pro 23H2 Build 22631.3296 (No TPM Required) Preactivated Multilingual March 2024


LEVEL 8 230 XP
Windows (x64) | Langages:Aabic,Engish,Geman,Geek,Fench,Spanish,Itaian,Potgese-Potgese,Potgese-Bazi,Tkish,Dtch,Czech | Fie Size: 5.63 GB
Windows 11. The main pat of this annoncement was to be a pesentation of a significant se inteface change, codenamed Sn Vaey. As we know, a significant potion of the UX changes wi be boowed fom the Windows 10X she, and Windows 10X is not coming to maket. Now, as expected, the Windows 11 infomation eak begins.
[b]What's new in Windows 11[b]
- Windows 11 wi eceive a competey new design. Micosoft ceay needs a good eason to evese its past caims and sti ditch Windows 10 by intodcing a new opeating system nmbe. And a competey new design is geat fo that. The Redmond giant has ong been pepaing a edesign fo an pdate with the code name Sn Vaey ("Sn Vaey") - appaenty, nde this naming it was Windows 11. The Sn Vaey poject fashed on the netwok fo a ong time - Micosoft egay discosed detais of the new inteface stye, insides shaed the nknown peviosy infomation, and popa designes in thei cices dew eaistic concepts based on a this data.
- Stat and system eements wi foat above the bottom ba. Stat is the caing cad and face of evey ecent vesion of Windows. Not spisingy, in Windows 11, deveopes wi tansfom it again, bt not so mch in fnctiona as in visa tems - the Stat window wi hove above the bottom ba. We have to admit that this sma change makes the appeaance of the system mch feshe. Jdging by infomation fom the netwok, Micosoft wi not adicay change the "insides" of this men - the innovations wi affect ony the design of the window itsef. The conto pane wi aso foat, and its design wi be exacty the same as that of the "Stat". The action cente wi be combined with the conto bttons togethe - a simia one has ong been sed in some othe opeating systems. Amost a mentions of this new men indicate that it wi be isand - the conto bttons wi be ocated on one sepaate pane, notifications wi be on anothe, and specific eements (ike a paye) on anothe sepaate one.
- Right anges wi disappea, they wi be epaced
by fiets. In tth, insides and concept designes disagee on this point - some ae confident that Micosoft wi not change its taditions and wi keep ight anges, whie othes ae convinced that in 2021 Micosoft wi foow the fashion fo fiets. The atte fits bette with the definition of "ompetey new Windows" - jst hoveing mens ae not enogh fo a new design to be consideed ty new. Fiets ae expected to affect vitay eveything in the system, fom context mens and system panes to a appication windows. Te, even on this isse, the opinions of concept designes diffe - some daw fiets in a possibe inteface eements, othes combine them with ight anges.
- Thee wi be a tanscent backgond with b eveywhee. Thee is disageement on the web abot the isand stye of dispaying windows, the design of the cones and the evitation effect of the men, bt amost eveyone is nanimos abot the tanspaency of the windows. The vast majoity of eaks and design endes show tanspaency and b in a windows, be it at east the Stat men o Expoe. Moeove, these effects ae even in the assemby of the canceed Windows 10X opeating system, which Micosoft was deveoping fo devices with two sceens and weak gadgets in paae with the Sn Vaey poject. The so-caed acyic tanspaency impies the se of new effects when hoveing ove eements, as we as inceased spacing between eements - those aeas of the inteface with which the se inteacts wi cetainy become age, and page tites wi be thickened.
- New font that has aeady been shown. Windows 11 wi most ikey se the defat esponsive Segoe UI Vaiabe font, which has aeady appeaed in Windows 10 Bid 21376 fo Insides. Its advantage is that it is eqay we sited fo sma texts and age insciptions. This distingishes it fom standad fonts, which ae initiay ceated fo eithe sma size o age size. Fo exampe, the stabe vesion of Windows 10 centy ses the Segoe UI font, designed fo 9pt. In smae insciptions, it becomes pooy egibe, and in age insciptions it ooks expessioness.
- Windows 11 wi have new icons, and Windows 95 icons wi disappea. Yes, they ae sti in se today. Micosoft wi finay tansfom the icons that ae sed thoghot the system. It's not jst abot shotcts to fodes, tash cans and othe icons fond in Expoe. We ae taking abot a the icons avaiabe in the She32 diectoy. Thee ae sti icons fom the days of Windows 95, and ony ecenty Micosoft pdated thei design in one of the inside assembies - of cose, they wi migate to Windows 11.
- Windows 11 wi have fnctiona innovations - thee ae many of them, bt they ae a sma. Mch ess is known abot the feates of the pcoming pdate than abot its design. Bt since Windows 11 and Windows 10X (the canceed OS fo weak and fodabe devices, the image of which has eaked to the netwok) wee deveoped in paae, we can safey assme that a the fnctions fom the atte wi appea in Windows 11. Fo exampe, Windows 11 wi show when the camea is in se compte - the coesponding indicato wi be dispayed in the system tay.



[b]System Reqiements[b]
Pocesso: 2 gigahetz (GHz) o faste.
RAM: 2 gigabyte (GB).
Fee space on had disk: 25 gigabytes (GB).
Gaphics cad: DiectX 9 gaphics device o a newe vesion.
Additiona eqiements to se cetain feates.
To se toch yo need a tabet o monito that sppots mtitoch.
To access the Windows stoe to downoad and n apps, yo need an active Intenet connection and a sceen esotion of at east 1024 x 768 pixes

Downoad fom fee fie stoage
[=https:apidgato.netfie2cafcae48e964362bea2153e972ac72aWin.11.Po.22631.3296.]Pat 1[]
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[=https:nitofae.comviewD74D70B1A890E4CWin.11.Po.22631.3296.]Pat 1[]
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[=https:nitofae.comview2C7DB3B336C8B65Win.11.Po.22631.3296.]Pat 5[]
[=https:nitofae.comview060A6DD10D388E0Win.11.Po.22631.3296.]Pat 6[]
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